Labels:bird | crt screen | hakham | sky | windowpane OCR: The role Quartz has played in history In ancient Egypt, Quartz served as C substitute when no other high quality mir nerals could be found. The Greeks had originally named Quartz "Krystallos meaning "ice" but this soon came to repres ent any crystal. Quartz appears tc from the German "Quart but that word's oriain not known China's Mina Dynasty Quartz often Mous edup gemstone in jewelry. Jn Pre- Columb ian America, explorations of Aztec grav es have uncov rered the use of Quartz in C variety of jewelry Europe, the court of Queen Elizabeth the I's crystal ball was Smoky Quartz. Quarfz -- also the national gem of Scotiand, and adorns the national scepter In modern times, it was the crystal first used in radio transmissions and has since become essential in the dev elopmeni f computer technolo ...